martedì 6 settembre 2011

I'm sorry I need to vent!

So sorry for my international readers but this time you are going to need google translator! If you are interested, you may just translate in your language or maybe before doing that just read an Italian newspaper!!

Perché l'Italia va male??? Va male perché ci sono imprenditori improvvisati, va male perché ci sono imprenditori che lo sono da tre giorni e si permettono di fare richiami/lettere di richiamo nn sapendo che sono criterio di valutazione negli studi di settore che ledono moltissimo all'azienda,va male perché gli stessi imprenditori da due giorni, credono di sapere di più dei propri dipendenti rispetto alle tecniche reali con le quali si opera solo perché sono loro che pagano lo stipendio ,mentre la prima prerogativa dell'imprenditore e proprio l'umilta' e riconoscere ad ognuno il proprio ruolo,altrimenti a cosa servono dipendenti specializzati?va male perché sempre i soliti imprenditori(quelli che sanno tutto) poi quando si trovano a dover prendere una decisione scaricano la responsabilità sui dipendenti a cui solo poco tempo prima hanno fatto una lettera di richiamo??!!! Beh viva l'Italia l'Italia della Confindustria , l'Italia della Confartigianato, l'Italia dei cigl,CISL,UIL ... L'Italia dei raccomandati anche dal postino ,l'Italia dei lavoratori statali a 1200 euro al mese x 4ore di lavoro al giorno, l'Italia dell'imprenditore continuamente braccato che si sente chiamare ladro da tutti ma rispetto a quei tutti in realtà nn arriva in fondo al mese, l'Italia della nomofilachia! Nomofilachia???? Ma doveeeee?? Cominciamo a parlare di nomofilachia si'.... Ma POLITICA!!!! Un governo, un interpretazione diversa ecco la realtà!!!! Siamo il paese delle banane!!! Che figura facciamo nel mondo? Che figura ci facciamo noi italiani davanti al mondo che ci ride dietro vedendo che la nostra situazione finanziaria e' DISASTROSA e che tra sole poche settimane comincerà il balletto a ribasso in borsa e mentre gli speculatori si fanno tondi, le nostre banche affossano senza che il governo sia capace di mettere in piedi una stupida manovra ,mentre soprattutto noi stupida massa di cretini continuiamo ad ignorare tutto questo e ci preoccupiamo di dibattere all'infinito sulle questioni amorose dei nostri politici e ad ingrassare di soldi i calciatori che truccano le scommesse!!!! Benvenuti nell'italia in cui o cambiamo la nostra stupida mentalita' dell'arrangiarci e del raccomandarci o in poco tempo diventeremo un paese secodario e all'orlo della guerra civile!!!Benvenuti nell'Italia in cui tutto e' il contrario di tutto o se non lo fosse..beh in qualche maniera ci arrangiamo!!!!benvenuti nell'Italia in cui a mio figlio sarò capace di regalare l'unica cosa possibile,l'unica cosa che non sono ancora riusciti a 
Togliergli...... IL PASSAPORTO...... anche se io....... uso ormai solo quello canadese....  

mercoledì 17 agosto 2011

What the hell is wrong with the World??

Why this question you might think.....
Well, everything begane the other day.
I'm home for the hollydays so i went to the bookstore, the little one inside the old Lucca that's smells like old books ,and humidity is so high you can feel it in the air and ( see it on the walls ;-) ), the only bookstore in Lucca that has everything dispite the big ones where i usually can't find anything!
I wasn't really searching for anything in particular but because i'd always love to read about middle east , their coltures, their history, their beautiful places, i'm always trying to find books that talks about it, but it's hard to find those book here, maybe Italians don't match the target of those Editors, maybe Italians thinks that those Topics are so far from them that they don't have to worry about it, well i cannot explain why but the only books i have are either bought on the Internet or in Canada.
So i Found this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G book!

Con il Vento nei Capelli (The Wind in my Hair) by Salwa Salem

This book is such an amazing view from a living abroad Palestinian that had struggle all her life with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, i'm stun about how those two coltures can live constantly under this ugly war and i'm so angry because the all world seems like forgetting day after day about this situation that we cause with our decisions after the WORLD WAR II .
I'm angry even because there is a big lack of information about this conflict.

So the other night i was on Twitter and i was surfing with no intention and i bump into #gaza, i find this great You Tube Video that talks about Rafah border that is supposed to be open for the Palestinians but in  facts there isn't!
Why nobody is talking about this in the Media?????
This video is being made by this brilliant Gaza girl that has a Twitter Account and an amazing site

I red all her tweets and i'm very very impressed by how she manage to live and study under continues attacks by Israel .

So i encourage everybody to be more aware of what is happening around us and i pray one day that the Media would really keep us updated about the World's facts!!!!

lunedì 27 giugno 2011

i'm baaaccckkk....Thinking about France!

Hi everybody, i'm back!
Sorry for not posting anything during this week but i was soooo busy with my work.
Ok so this week i manage to go run every day except for sunday.
The sad thing is that i'm not doing very well with the food.
I was very very busy and i didn't care very much about the calories intake.
Today i'm not feeling very well and it's very hot like 30° so i don't feel to go running, don't know if i'm going.
I'm sooo tired, my baby kept me awake almost all night he was too active to go to bed.
On saturday we went with our friends that has a little girl, younger than my baby boy to the swimming pool, he had such of fun that he felt excited all weekend, that's why he didn't sleep last night!
So this week we are planning where to go for the holidays, my friend that has a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L (let me say it loud) here is the link , please visit her blog because she has the most brilliant ideas, edited a post to help me find the right place to go with my baby, so we can relax and enjoy a quality time all together as a family!
She had such amazing ideas for us that i think i'll follow her's advices!
So please take a look if you don't know where to go.... low budget ideas......;-)
Isn't she great??

venerdì 17 giugno 2011


Hi everyone!so today i'm going to update really quick by my phone 'cause I had such a buisy day!! Today I went running and i'm so happy about my improvement!!! Today it's exactly a week that I start working out. Last friday I was able to run only 2 minutes and then I had to rest for at least 3 minutes. Today after a week I can run for 11 minutes and then rest for 2. I ran for 30 minutes in total. I'm so happy I don't even have words to describe how I feel. It was so many years that I stop working out that it's just amazing to me to be able to increase daily! Now I have to go cause my baby want to play!! Bye nighty night!!

mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

All by my self!!

Today, It was my big day, the day of truth, i went running all by my self for the first time!!
Yes, i did it!!!!
I ran for 23 minutes by the river, i looooveeee that place is sooo calming, but it was so hot, it was 40° in the sun i was so hot when i came back i had to take two showers!
I hope so much to be able to increase my running time but it's so hard!
I really don't like working out but i know that i have to!
To the contrary i really like the feeling after the run, it's like been purified of all the bad toxin!
To be onest i lie, i wasn't alone i was with:
Ihihih this is my brand new bluethooth for my Iphone 4!!!

Looooovvveeeee it!!!!
It helped me soooo much to listen to music while i was running!
It's awsome!

And i even order on the apple store the armband for my Iphone so i didn't have to hold it in my hand!
Shipping extimated in TOMORROW , they are sooo fast!
I can't wait for my new item to be here!

Today's meals:


Whole Wheat toast with low fat peanut butter with diet strawberry jam


Whole Wheat toast with Prosciutto crudo withiou fat


Fitness bar


Pizza Margheritaaaaaa

tonight for the first time in months i, my baby and my beautiful man, are going out for dinner!!!
Can't wait!!!

that's all for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!byeeeeeeeeee

lunedì 13 giugno 2011


Today, after a weekend of doing nothing, i went running by the river with my friend!!!
i went running on friday last week but for two days i was hurting everywhere, but today i improve from 15 minutes to 20 minutes of running and 40 minutes of walking!!
Now few hours went by and i still didn't feel any pain at all!
it was such an amazing day for me!!
i feel very good to be able to run for that LONG!!!

Today's meals!!


Cherrios whole wheat with low-fat Soy Vanilla milk


Salad with barley and black olives




Low Fat Sloppy Joe

that's all for now!!! bye bye

giovedì 9 giugno 2011

waallllllkkkk baby waaalllkkkk!!!!!

ok so enother day went by and i'm feeling tired because of my real first workout!!!
Today i went walking with a friend along the river, we walked 4km at 3.7 mphs and we burnt 457 calories it was a really nice workout.
I'm thinking of joining a gym class on monday but i'm afraid i'll get bored and drop the gym!

today i ate:


Green Tea
oats with low fat yougurth


Fitness nestlè bar


Fitness Bar


Chicken Brest with Red Bell Peppers
Green Tea

That's all for now!! hugges!

mercoledì 8 giugno 2011

may i introduce my self??!!!

Good afternoon everybody!!!!!!
May i introduce my self???
Hi my name is stefania, i'm 25 years old and i'm a mother of a one b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l little boy.
I live in italy (so excuse me in advance for my baaaddddd english but i hope you can understand anyway)
I started this blog to share with people a little of my life and especially my battle with weight!
i' m 5ft 3 tall and weight 165 lb, my goal is to reach 132lb.
i've been dieting all my life and never succed until one day when i heard a "click" in my head, i really don't know what whappend that day i still couldn't figure out, but that day i decide that i had enough!
I had enough of feeling bad about my self, i had enough of the mean comments, i had enough of not be able to enjoy anything anymore! at that time i reach 195lbs.
In three months i manage to lose 30lbs but i quit dieting for no reason.
The good thing is that i was blessed not to gain any pounds again because i still at this days eat pretty well but because i don't like to workout i stopped going to the gym and that's way i don't lose pounds anymore.

But now i feel that i need a fresh start! i had my baby and i want to teach him how to stay healthy and not have to struggle like me with weight!!

Just yesterday i  had sign Bob Greene online health program called The Best Life.
The goal is to learn how to eat better and to exercise on a regular basis for good.
I will tell you more about that program in next posts!

I really hope this blog would keep me on track and help others to begin this journey.

For now i post you what i'm going to eat today:


Muesli with low fat Yogurt and frozen berries

Green tea


Grilled chicken with spinach

Espresso coffee


Espresso coffeee ( i now we, all italians have big big problems quitting espresso)

1 apple


Whole Wheat Spaghetti with a tuna sauce and basil

1 apple

American Coffee


3500 steps all day ( i know , it's not enough but i didn't find the time to exercise today)

That's all for now! kisses to those in my same position!